Extraordinary Purpose Blog
For Amazing Parents of Teens and Young AdultsĀ
Empowering Coaching, Tools, and Strategies to Help You and Your Teens and Young Adults Connect with Your Purpose, Create Influence for Your Family, Help Your Kids Thrive, and Create an Extraordinary Life
In a culture where kids are so incredibly influenced by social media and their peers, introducing them to a path of personal growth is imperative. What we have found in our coaching program is that the environment we create for teens is what makes the biggest difference in the level of their...
During our Group Coaching Meeting the Sunday after Thanksgiving, we started the way we do each week, asking everyone to share a win or celebration from their week, as well as something that was a challenge or struggle, and what they learned about themselves. There was common thread...
We absolutely love being Teen Life Coaches! Everyday we get the special opportunity to work with so many different kids. It is 100% true that every teen we coach and support has an unbelievable amount of potential that we get the privilege to see, nurture, and help bring out into the world. And...
I'll never forget the first coaching group that I facilitated. I was new to Life Coaching and had been coaching women individually for about six months, and realized how much they would benefit from hearing each other's stories, fears, accomplishments, dreams, resiliency, and deep desires and...