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Extraordinary Purpose Blog

For Amazing Parents of Teens and Young AdultsĀ 


Empowering Coaching, Tools, and Strategies to Help You and Your Teens and Young Adults Connect with Your Purpose, Create Influence for Your Family, Help Your Kids Thrive, and Create an Extraordinary Life

How Rituals Can Change Your Child's, and Really Your Family's Life!


You know with all of your heart that your kid has so much talent and potential, and yet it can be so frustrating because often they can't see it in themselves (I think that's actually true for all of us). It's part of the reason they don't feel good, why they aren't motivated, why they are...

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Gratitude for all of the amazing parents!

Niá:wen! This means Thank You in the Mohawk Language. Since I am half Native American we don’t celebrate “Thanksgiving” in the traditional sense in our family, however we do celebrate gratitude, and this is a wonderful time of year to reflect on all we are grateful...

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Become a Powerful Influence for Your Kids

It's so easy to get hooked (or triggered) by our thoughts and feelings about our children's behaviors, choices, etc. Everything from how they spend their time, who they spend their time with, their communication (or lack thereof), their grades, their habits. We care so deeply about these things...

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